Reconnect with Your Love of Reading

Monday, November 8th, 2021

Reconnect with your love of reading in Whitney Ranch CA

There’s no doubt that fall is one of the coziest times of the year. There are plenty of ways to invite this seasonal sense of coziness into your day, but one of our favorite activities is sitting down with a good book. If it’s been a while since you have found yourself unable to put a novel down, or if you used to love reading, but haven’t picked up a book in years, we have a few tips on how to get back to cracking spines and flipping pages.

The Right Book

white person wearing a yellow sweater and bracelets grabbing a white and red book from a row of different books with a dark gray green background

The first step on your journey to reading more often is picking an engaging book that aligns with your interests. Whether you are fascinated by fantasy, poetry, science, history, biographies, self-help, etc, there are thousands of books in every category waiting to be discovered. However, just because a book is about something you enjoy, that doesn’t mean you will end up loving its content. To further narrow your search, you can always check out lists of popular books, like The New York Times Best Sellers, or award-winning books like the Pulitzer Prize Winners. Although these lists are filled with fantastic books, a book recommendation site, like Goodreads, might be a better bet, especially if you are recently getting back into reading. This website allows you to find your perfect literary match by inputting information about your interests and other books you have liked and disliked in the past. Plus, it has a massive community of readers whose reviews and conversations may well encourage you to continue along your reading journey.

The Right Format

white person laying on a pink red and white hammock wearing a denim skirt while holding a black ereader with a screen showing a book page

While paperback books are still the most popular format when it comes to diving into a new novel, you might find that choosing another option better suits your reading style. Ebook readers, like Kindle by Amazon or NOOK by Barnes & Noble, certainly have their advantages over traditional books. Many ebook readers these days have a backlight, which allows you to read at night without needing to turn on a light. These devices can also store thousands of books, which can open up more space in your home. Audiobooks are also an excellent alternative, especially if your eyes get tired easily from scanning pages, or if you are simply looking for a more passive experience. Best of all, they free your hands and eyes so you can multitask while enjoying a great story.

The Right Space

white person laying on a pink red and white hammock wearing a denim skirt while holding a black ereader with a screen showing a book page

Once you have secured a book that you are excited to begin, the last step is scoping out some peaceful spots for your reading sessions. You will want to pick an area where the chance of being distracted is low. So, reading at your child’s next soccer practice might not be the best choice. Instead, head to a local coffee shop, the quiet Rocklin Public Library, one of Whitney Ranch’s tranquil community parks, or even your favorite room inside your spacious Whitney Ranch home. Wherever you choose to go, we suggest that you leave your phone behind, or keep it on silent while you’re busy being absorbed into the world of your book.

Not only is reading a perfect partner for fall weather but it has also been shown to have a positive effect on your mental wellbeing. With that in mind, go seek out a nice spot, today, and start your next literary adventure.

If you’re looking to live in a wonderful community where there are plenty of great reading and relaxing spots year-round, feel free to contact us about living in Whitney Ranch.


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