National Baby Safety Month
Friday, September 1st, 2017
This September we’re spreading awareness for National Baby Safety Month. Yearly, the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association sponsors this month-long campaign to educate parents and caregivers about safety protocols to prevent injuries and accidents. You can read up on their advocacy and theme for this year on their SITE. Below we’ve collected some safety facts and tips to help you with accident prevention and spotting potential hazards.
FACT #1 – According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries for children ages 0-19.
TIP: Make sure your child wears protective gear while bike riding, skateboarding, and participating in other sports and recreation. Helmets, wrist guards, knee pads, mouthguards, and other sport safety equipment can be purchased from a variety of stores like Target, Big Five, Walmart, REI, etc.
FACT #2 – Every hour, nearly 150 children visit emergency departments due to injuries from car accidents.
TIP: Make sure children are properly secured by automobile safety devices appropriate for their age, height and weight. Visit this CDC PAGE for car safety guidelines. When crossing roads, make sure children understand that looking both ways and waiting for walk signs are essential to their safety!
FACT #3 – Infants are most likely to suffocate while they sleep and toddlers are most at risk for suffocating by choking on food or other small objects.
TIP: Make sure your child’s toys are appropriate for their age; toys with small parts should be avoided with toddlers and younger children. Supervise children while they eat, and encourage thorough chewing habits to reduce choking hazards.
FACT #4 – Injury and subsequent drowning is the most common cause of death in children ages 1-4.
TIP: Supervise young children at all times around open water. Whether you’re boating or enjoying summertime by the pool, floaties and life vests can greatly reduce water-related fatalities for children and adults! Read more on drowning prevention HERE.
Fact #5 – Everyday, over 300 children ages 0-19 go to emergency departments due to poisoning.
TIP: Common sources of poisoning include household chemicals, cleaners, and medicines.
Use home safety devices, such as locks on drawers and cabinets, where these items are kept. Put the nationwide poison control center phone number, 1-800-222-1222, on or near every telephone in your home and program it into your cell phone for fast access if needed. Find more poison control information HERE.
Remember that safety is the most important policy. Every day, take the time to educate kids about good safety habits and what they can do to prevent accidents to themselves and others.