10 Things We Learned In Quarantine So Far

Wednesday, August 19th, 2020

For the past five months, we have been challenged with finding the silver linings by recognizing the unique shared experience of all humans during this time. And through this, many lessons have come out of quarantine. Some relate to our mental health and wellness, and some prove that we as humans function better when we’re fighting for each other, not against each other. We compiled a list of 10 lessons we learned in quarantine (so far) so you could be reminded of some good this week. As always, continue wearing your masks, supporting Lebanon and BLM organizations, and extending your love to those around you that need it. 

1. Cooking is fun!


If you didn’t post a picture of your quarantine loaf of bread, did you even do anything? Although this has become a joke, it’s true that home cooking (and Doordash-ing) have been the way to go during the Q. During these last 5 months, we have learned that cooking can be fun! It connects you to your family, keeps the kids full, and has the house smelling delicious.

2. Humans DO have an impact on the environment

Back in April, Los Angeles had the cleanest air of any major city, and global carbon emissions have lowered to levels unseen in decades. Air quality data has shown that humans in fact DO have the power to decrease harmful emissions that have a scientifically proven impact on global warming and climate change. With this information, scientists and world leaders will be able to better lead humans in the direction of a cleaner earth.

3. We learned steps to becoming a better ally to the black community

Black Lives Matter

The 2020 Black Lives Matter movement is said to be one of the largest in United States history. And for non-Black folks, there is not an end to the continued journey for better allyship. For each person, this looks different. It could be donating time, money, or education. It could be reading books, watching movies, or using your privilege to lift up another voice. For each of us, doing something small each day is easy, and can create a lasting impact that changes the future lives for Black Americans.

4. Masks ARE fashion!

Who says that being safe can’t be fashionable and complement your personal style? Find a chic, ecologically, and responsibly made face mask here!

5. We all are Zoom experts


Was anyone else completely confused by Zoom at first and now can practically handle any video conference-related question? Us too! With our world becoming more digital, now you have another tool under your belt. 

6. Health care workers and essential employees are our heroes

These folks are putting their lives at risk every day for the good of others, and in our still-busy quarantine schedules, it may be easy to forget that these jobs aren’t an option for these hardworking individuals. Every time you dine, thank a server or cashier. If you ever encounter any health care workers, thank them for all they are doing. 

7. We learned a greater appreciation for life’s simple joys


For us, quarantine has taught us to find the little wins, like finishing a puzzle, DIY-ing a home decor plant hanger, or hosting a virtual happy hour. When you start seeking out successes, you begin recognizing them more and more. And they do not have to be huge! Today’s success might be another day you woke up in good health. And with the world in its current state, that is a lot to be thankful for.

8. Working from home can cause new pros and cons

Would you rather work 15 feet away from a kitchen stocked with all of your favorite snacks….or not? Working from home has saved families money, given parents more time with their kids, and has made pajamas an everyday look. Working from home has also given us an insight into a world where we are mostly remote, coronavirus or not. With that being said, the separation of work and home life has been imbalanced, and it’s hard to say which is truly “better.” But for now, it’s a lesson we’ve all had to learn, and we are adjusting as the days pass on.

9. Move at your own pace

Quarantine anxiety is real. Many factors have rattled families, and moving through this part of life at a slower pace is more than okay. Many people placed an emphasis on perfecting their hobbies or working out every day. If you did nothing but watch TV, that is A-okay too! A huge lesson we’ve learned is to be comfortable with the unknown. We don’t know a lot right now. So take a deep breath, take a hot shower, and have that second glass of wine. 

10. Love more!

Love more!

By learning the lessons in the blog so far, we have learned to love more… and we don’t mean just in a romantic way. Loving the food you eat, the (digital) laughs you share, and the memories that are still being made is important. Love more, and you will feel the love in return.


We recognize this list only touches the surface. What lessons have you learned in quarantine? What good have you extracted from this otherwise uncertain time? We hope that through it all, you have experienced a moment where you could laugh, get a virtual hug from a friend, and enjoy a good meal. If you haven’t checked off all of our quarantine lessons yet, be sure to do so this week! 



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