Study Spaces For Kids
Tuesday, September 4th, 2018

Homework days are here again! Does your star student have the best place to work on numbers, spelling, and reading in your home? We’ve looked far and wide for some great homework station ideas to get your scholar in the zone to produce their best work!
Don’t have a lot of extra space to create a study environment? Clean& has some great space saving ideas on wheels, on walls, and in the closet. Your child will enjoy making these little workstations their own!
Roll-Away Station
Break out the wheels! If extra space in your home is a struggle, consider a workstation that can be rolled away into storage when it’s not being used.
Closet Station
If you’re one of the lucky ones with an empty, unused closet, give it a whole new purpose by transforming it into a distraction-free study zone that won’t take away room space!
Wall-Mounted Station
These smart work spots double as a desk and a shelf space. Save room on your floor and add some character to the walls by decorating the outside!
If you like to go all out, try some of these larger furniture pieces or design ideas for creating an inspiring learning environment. Check out these ideas from
Handy Bed/Desk
Kids’ furniture stores have some great ideas when it comes to meshing functions with furniture. A bunk-style bed with a desk space down below is so handy!
Wall Inspiration
Spike your student’s creativity and confidence when they walk into their homework room with a decked out wall! Leave an inspirational quote or sketch out their study agenda where they’ll see it easily.
Extras: Pen holders, filers, and more!
You have the perfect spot picked out. Now you need the goods to make it all happen. Stock up on those pen/pencil holders, spiral notebooks, paper clips, and more. These popular department stores have everything you’re looking for. Take it one step further! Have your kiddo decorate their study space with fun tools and share their creativity on our social media with #WeAreWhitneyRanch!
Explore these sites!