Hope Over To Our Spring Egg Hunt
Thursday, April 6th, 2017

You may have heard about our legendary holiday events here at Whitney Ranch, and the most exciting event of the year will be hopping just around the corner…our annual Spring Egg Hunt! We can’t wait to enjoy this special day with all of our friends and neighbors from the community, and if this is your first year spending Easter with us, here’s what you can expect:
Everyone will gather for the the Spring Egg Hunt at Whitney Community Park at 10 am with their baskets ready (make sure to bring your own baskets!). The hunt will begin, and the kiddos will scour the grass for special surprises left by the Easter Bunny himself!
After the little ones have collected every hidden egg in the park, a scrumptious pancake breakfast will be served at the Ranch House at 10:30 am.
After breakfast, the kids can play on bounce houses….
Make some springtime crafts….
And get their faces painted!
We’re excited for you to join us as we celebrate Easter together on April 15th! For more information, take a look at the EVENT PAGE.
We’ll see you there!